Make sure that you get 10 out of 10 here!

You know that financial planning is important and that is you are opting for it or you have already opted for one. Here is 10 point checklist to make sure that you get it all from your financial planner and miss nothing –

  • Financial Planning is having a bird’s eye viewof all your financial matters
  • Financial Planning is joining bits and pieces to make you see the big picture
  • Financial Planning is a roadmap / blueprint / game-plan to achieve financial freedom
  • Financial Planning is financial fitness
  • Financial Planning is a commitment to not make any financial mistake ever
  • Financial Planning is optimization of resources
  • Financial Planning is securing your present and future
  • Financial Planning is a coin having two sides – strategy and action
  • Financial Planning is planning life and it also addresses concerns beyond money
  • Financial Planning is making life simple and clutter-free

You know your finances well. You are a disciplined saver and investor. You know your income and expenses. You know your assets and liabilities. You know your insurances. You are taking care to keep enough funds ready for children’s higher education and marriage. You are saving regularly through provident funds and other investments to make sure that your post-retirement life becomes smooth and tension free. But can you see that ‘big picture’, that snapshot which covers everything at one go? Which gives you a clear picture of your present and future? That experience is like having a bird’s eye view. Financial Planning should make you feel that.

You have a target set. You have some limited overs to play. And you are playing to win the game. So you know now whether you can afford to play slow or not. You know now the importance of having a game plan. You have certain financial goals set – 10 lakhs for child’s higher education, 10 lakhs for child’s marriage, 4 crores for retirement. In next 8 years child will be passing 10+2. In next 16 years child would be of 26 years and ready for marriage. In next 20 years you will be retiring. To achieve all these you have to have a game-plan ready. Financial Plan is equivalent of a roadmap which you require before you set off a journey; is equivalent of a blueprint which you require to construct something big; is equivalent of a game-plan which you should look for if you are here to win the game.

Financial Planning makes sure that you are making optimum usage of all your resources. There should not be any place for regret. It gives you the best fit solution. It starts with safety and security. First you secure your family’s present and future, next move forward to achieve goals. Financial Planning focuses a lot on setting strategies right. But if strategies are not backed by actions, then everything falls flat. It is a long term (financial) fitness program. Stay tuned. Stay focused. Stay fit.

Money is important. So is relationship. So are your hobbies and passions. So is your health. So is your contribution to society. The list goes on. If you overlook any of these, real wealth can never be created. Among all asset classes, the most important asset is surely YOU. You need to invest in yourself regularly.

Financial Planning should make your life simple and secure and make you happy.Period.


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