Portfolio Design, Management and Asset Allocation
When you set out in the journey of creating wealth, managing portfolio of different investment products takes the centre stage. During creation of the portfolio three things that we consider with topmost priority are –
• Your risk appetite
• Horizon of investments
• Knowledge/comfort level that you have with different products like how they work.
Except time horizon the other two things are interlinked and can be improved over the time.
The products / asset class where we are equipped to give you an end to end solution / hand holding are listed below:
Alternative Investment
We can study and provide you unbiased guidance in fields of alternative investments. This may comprises of REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust), Private Equity, Investment in Bullion Series and other commodities as well.
Fixed Income Instrument
Fixed Deposits, Bonds (Tax Free bonds, Capital Gain Bond, RBI Bond), Non-Convertible Debenture, Annuities – Immediate and Deferred, Post Office investments – NSC, PO MIS, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme etc.
Life insurance policies – though we only recommend pure term policies to be part of your portfolio after due analysis is done, we also analyse and guide you through right steps forward in regards to other policies whether to surrender, make paid-up or continue with them.
General insurance policies – we go through various viable options available in the market in regards to health insurance/medi-claim, critical insurance, personal accident cover, householders insurance etc.
Direct Equity
We can analyse stocks which you are holding currently with respect to your current financial status and future financial goals. We design a suitable portfolio for you also accordingly. We are a strong proponent of value investment method and believe in ‘buy right, sit tight’ school of thought as far as investment in stocks are concerned.
Mutual Funds
Equity, Debt, Balanced, Arbitrage and Index Funds.